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​What is a cookie
A cookie is a text file sent by a web server to a user's browser, stored on the user's device, used to identify the user's device and provide a personalized browsing experience.
Cookies can be session cookies (stored during browsing sessions) or permanent cookies (stored for a longer period of time).
Cookies can be installed by the website being accessed (first party cookies) or by other websites (third-party cookies).
Cookies do not directly collect information related to user profiles.
Cookies used in this online store
Browsing or session technology cookies: used for browsing and using websites normally, such as purchasing products or verifying access permissions.
Operation technology cookie: Improve the browsing experience based on user selected criteria, such as language selection or shopping cart recovery function.
Cookie analysis: used to collect website usage information, conduct statistical analysis on the number of users and browsing methods.
Third party data collection cookies: used to send advertising messages, including social media cookies.
Cookie Management
When accessing the website, a banner will be displayed providing cookie authorization options.
Users can agree to use cookies through the authorization provided by the banner.
Users can disable/enable cookies or delete them at any time.
Users can manage cookie preferences through dedicated page settings buttons.

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